All referrals are made through the Institutional Parole Officer. Please request to be screened for Metro Vancouver West Community Corrections Office and specify a desire to participate in St. Leonard's CAD/DayCAD program. For further details please contact the Director of Program directly either by email ( ) or by phone.
St. Leonard's does not provide on-site parking for residents or visitors. However, there is convenient street parking nearby. Residents wishing to park on Keith St. will need to go to North Vancouver City Hall and purchase an annual parking permit for $25/annually
For next of kin arriving to pick up boxes, temporary parking for access to storage is permitted.
Any car washing/fixing is not permitted.
Visiting hours are between 10AM-10PM - All residents participating in program should not allow visitors to interfere with program times. Recovery is the priority. Visitors are NOT allowed on the second floor.
St. Leonard's provides a designated area for all cigarettes/e-cigarettes/vapes. Smoking anywhere else is prohibited
St. Leonard’s Society does NOT allow clients to smoke marijuana, ingest edibles, or use cannabis oil whether or not clients have a prescription for it
Cell phone usage is restricted during the intensive phase. There will be designated times of usage. Cell phone access is a privilege not a right. If St. Leonard’s believes there is repeated inappropriate usage of cell phone, such as during treatment group, St. Leonard’s may choose to either confiscate the phone or terminate the program.
Computers, tablets, iPods, iPads, or video game devices (DS, PSP, Wii etc.), personal video players, audio/video recorders are also restricted. In order to support a community of recovery, we encourage clients adhere to these guidelines.
St. Leonard's is located near many of North Vancouver's recreational centers as well as many private gym centers. In addition to the picturesque Lonsdale Quay, there are many parks and beaches where many community events take place.
No. St. Leonard's Society provides a substance use treatment program. No use of THC/marijuana/edibles is permitted onsite. Those partcipating in the program found to be using THC may result in delayed graduation or an all-sessions attended (not completion)
St. Leonards has two single bed rooms. These rooms are earned by those that have shown a positive influence and long-term seniority at St. Leonard's. Individuals are placed here to continue practicing independent living in the honor dorm.